Why do we find the term self-care so hard to put into practice? Why is it a word many roll their eyes at and few truly master? When it comes to self-care, there aren’t any hard or fast rules. Self-care is anything that involves caring for your mind, body and soul. Reading a book is self-care, listening to music and going for a run is self-care, taking a nap is self-care and catching up with a dear friend is self-care. Find things that bring you joy, help you unwind and fuel and restore.
- Listen to your body
If we don’t start at the outset by listening to our bodies and what they are trying to tell us, how are we ever supposed to get to the root of the issue to understanding the essence of self-care? Our bodies give away a lot of information, daily clues that we often overlook and don’t pay attention to. Practicing self-awareness has been something that has truly transformed the way I approach health and well-being. Taking a moment to check in daily and see how I’m feeling and what my body is trying to tell me, has been incredibly insightful for my overall health and well-being. Am I tired today? Am I fatigued? Do I feel energised or am I stressed and overwhelmed? Check in with your body and start to pay attention to what it is trying to tell you.
2. Move your body
Taking the time to move your body everyday has profound health benefits. Regular physical exercise can improve your memory and brain function, it helps protect you against many chronic diseases, helps reduce anxiety and depression, lowers your blood pressure and improves heart health, among other numerous benefits. Depending on the day, the framework for your exercise will change so give yourself the permission to listen to what your body is telling you. This awareness is at the heart of the definition of self-care. If you are feeling tired and worn out, maybe your exercise consists of breath-work and doing gentle stretches or maybe your movement for the day is listening to your favourite podcast and getting outside for a walk. Not every day will be the perfect day for an intense HIIT class or long vinyasa yoga class. Give yourself the permission to take each day as it comes and listen to what you need for that day.
3. Stay hydrated and eat well
Getting the daily amount of water intake you need and eating the right foods to nourish and replenish your body are vital to your overall health and well-being. Many of us know this in theory, but putting these things into practice, always seems to be more challenging. Little daily habits can turn into bigger and more sustained practices. Bring a refillable water bottle with you when you are out, prepare healthy snacks and meals and most importantly pay attention to what your body tells you. When you haven’t had enough water, your body will tell you with drying skin and a sore throat. When you haven’t eaten well, your body also will tell you with an upset stomach or just generally feeling lethargic. Make it a daily habit to check in and see what your body is trying to tell you.
4. Take breaks
Remember to take time off to rest. We have busy work and social lives, and when our schedules are jam-packed we don’t leave a lot of extra time to rest. I’ve had to learn this the hard way. When my work or travel schedule is too hectic, I often get sick and then I am forced to stop and rest. Over time, I have started to implement healthier practices where I check in with how I’m feeling, long before I get to the point where I am tired or burnt out. Listen to your body and what it needs during a hectic season. One way to help implement more rest is to actually schedule it in. Scheduling in a nap or an afternoon of self-care means that you are carving out intentional time to rest and restore.
5. Fuel your passions
Do you know what your passions are? Do you know what type of things fuel and energise you? Everyone is different, and sometimes in certain seasons of life your passions or interests change and that’s ok. Learn a new language, find a new author, or begin a new hobby. The most important part is to regularly take the time to explore and pursue your passions.
- Listen to your body
- Listen to your bod